color matching algorithm.Get Started Paint Matching Algorithm. However what i am unaware of, is whether or not it is precise.

Before you redirect me to Dakkas own chart, im already aware of it. painting, vallejo, vallejo conversions, vallejo equivalencies. As topic says, what im searching, is a conversion chart from citadel and over to Vallejo. Share this: Click to email a link to a friend. Ceramite White Citadel - Base Layer - ffffff. Here’s a handy chart for converting between Vallejo and Games Workshop’s Citadel Color paints. This conversion chart allows you to pick the closest match between our Warpaints, Metallics & Quickshade Washes to other popular paint manufacturers. Game, Match Name, Vallejo Model, Match Name, P3 Formula, Match Name, Army Painter, Match Name.

I am still on the lookout for paint comparison charts for Scale 75 and Kimera paints. Vallejo Model Color to Citadel Equivalencies.

Unable to find a paint that you used to use? Has something been discontinued? Want to find the equivalent paint in a different range? Here is the ultimate painting matrix, comparing the games workshop Citadel paints with every known equivalent. Figuring out which Vallejo paint converts to GWs Citadel paints has never been easier with this handy conversion chart courtesy of Thibaut Robine. Each match is rated based on how many conversion charts it appears on, combined with the results of our. Reaper Pro Vallejo Model Color Vallejo game Color Formula P3 Citadel Base Citadel Layer & Edge Citadel Dry Coat d’Arms I don’t know the author for this chart (source TBD).