Make sure to choose a category from the dropdown for each transaction. In the month sheet, add all of your expense transactions for the month in the Monthly Expenses panel and add all of your income transactions for the month in the Monthly Income panel.Next, navigate to the monthly Income & Expenses sheet by clicking on the tabs at the bottom with the correct month name.Then, add up to 10 income categories and enter your estimated monthly income in each category.Start in the Dashboard by adding and editing up to 15 expense categories and your planned monthly spending in each category.The personal budget template will then appear in your Google account. In the Google Sheets window, click the Make A Copy button.Click the Download Budget Template button in the email, and then on the Gumroad product page, click on the link to save the budget template to your Google Account.You will immediately receive an email from Gumroad. On the next page, enter your email address and click Get.

Go my Gumroad listing and click the I Want This button.How to download my personal budget template View your planned versus actual savings for that month.Compare your actual versus planned monthly spending for each category.Enter each of your transactions (expenses and income) for that month.On each monthly income & expenses sheet, you can: View your savings over the entire year.